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Worship Service With Installation of st John's and st. Andrew's Church Councils
svētd., 02. jūn.
Dievkalpojumā tiks ievestas amatā sv. Jāņa un sv. Andreja draudžu padomes

Laiks un vieta
2024. g. 02. jūn. 11:00 – 12:00
Toronto, 200 Balmoral Ave, Toronto, ON M4V 1J6, Kanāda
Par pasākumu
Worship will be led by pastors: Ģirts Grietiņš and Dāgs Demandts Organist: Michael Rundans Singer: Ruta Lauzis In both languages With Installation of st John's and st. Andrew's Church Councils Fellowship will follow. All are welcome!
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